Cover Art Rules of Streaming Platform Distribution
All Artwork must be:
JPEG image file
Perfect square and AT LEAST 3000 x 3000 pixels
Best-quality RGB Color mode (including black and white images)
Resolution of 300 DPI
Only include text stating the artist name and release title
All artwork must be original and copyright free
Do Not include:
Extra text outside of your release title and artist name
Mismatching text on artwork and artist name/title (i.e. if you're uploading a single but your art says the album title where the single will later appear, this is a conflict. You must enter the single's title or no title on the art).
Email addresses, URLs, or any other contact information or any pricing information
Stickers or other items from your artwork in case you are scanning it in from a physical CD - please remove them
Anything suggesting that your release is a physical or digital product, such as "CD," "DVD," "Digital Exclusive"
Artwork that is compressed into one corner with the rest of the image having white space
Anything saying "iTunes" or referencing a digital store name or logo
If your artwork does not adhere to these requirements, this may result in some streaming services rejecting the release.