Best Practices for Selling with CAM
We believe in the power of unity—by combining our talents, we amplify each other’s work, reach wider audiences, and build a thriving ecosystem for everyone. We have compiled a list of the best practices to ensure you reach your full potential with Cover Art Market.
Accurately Tag Your Covers
Proper tagging is essential for ensuring that your covers are visible in search results and attract potential buyers. Do Not use unrelated tags— for example, if your cover theme is a "heart," do not include a tag for a "girl" in hopes of appearing in more searches. This approach can frustrate buyers and cause them to leave the platform without buying. Accurate tagging helps recording artists quickly find covers that meet their needs, thereby improving your chances of making a sale.
Promote Your Covers and Your CAM page/store CAM does a lot of promotion and advertising of your covers. However, the top sellers promote their covers with posts and link their CAM page to their social account profiles. Take the time to comment, like, etc., on CAM posts; even if your cover is not featured in that post, it helps grow and expand our reach, benefiting all CAM Designers. Recommend for Instagram posts tagging CAM and using #coverartmarket in your posts.
Upload New Covers Regularly To keep your page fresh, make sure to consistently add new covers, as they will always appear at the top. If you create multiple covers at once, consider spreading the uploads over several days or weeks instead of posting them all in one day. We recommend uploading at least one new cover each week for the more dedicated designers.
Deliver Orders On Time and Accurately Deliver completed covers on time and accurately following the CAM procedures, enabling a fast delivery to the buyer. The buyer can request a refund if we have yet to deliver the cover on time. We have many repeat buyers who buy from only sellers who deliver on time and accurately . If you are on holiday, vacation, or unavailable, email to change your status.
High-Quality Artwork Good design and cover art, or even art in general, are subjective. However, high-quality artwork is quantifiable, and buyers can see the difference, especially digital art. Take the time to learn new design techniques, try diversifying design styles, and understand how fonts and colors can impact the Customer or listener. Follow all Cover Art Guidelines and CAM Cover Specifications in the CAM Designer Manual. Finally, do add 'Song Title' and 'Artist Name' to your artwork. Customers want to see a complete album cover. The font type, size, location, and color change the vibe of the cover. Fonts can make the difference between a good cover and a great cover.
Actively Manage Your CAM Page Take an active role in managing your CAM page. If a cover hasn't sold within 4 - 6 months, remove it, change the design, and try a different font type, size, color, etc. Also, look at your price and be brutally honest. Are you competitive in price for your level of design? Then upload it as a new cover. We always put your new covers at the top of your page.
Practice, learn new techniques, try new things, and improve